Think in abundance and you shall have it.

Just for today tell your self I am Happy I am Wealthy and I am Healthy my life is filled with abundance and I can truly feel the love on the Earth and can enjoy the Wind in my hair feeling the Sun on my face and able to see or enjoy the Water that is here all around me for I have the four elements that make me the Fifth so that I am one with the All in all that is here. I may not have the best car but I have one, I may not have the best place but I have one think in terms of abundance over lack turn your thoughts to an Attitude of Gratitude for the blessings you have and smile you are beautiful.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Build a firm foundation on the rubble of the past.

Just for today I will not live in the past for there is nothing I can do to change or use other than build a firm foundation for today knowing what to use and what not to use to build a bright tomorrow from the lessons of today and yesterday like the old saying let sleeping dogs lay, knowing that dog could bit if wakened. Each day is a gift a new to you day never before touched the pen is in your hand to write the best day ever starting with a smile and an Attitude of Gratitude for all you have in life, know too you may not have all you want at present but you have this once in a life time gift of this day to create and start on the path to your dream life.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Love what you do and get ready to be embraced by success in all parts of life

Just for today I will be do all that I am going to do with love and a drive to do better than I have in the past for if I do it with love it is no longer work its a joy to do and this work can go from a kill joy to enjoyable by changing the way we think of the tasks we do yes a simple change your thoughts to change your life. Success is a joy and is welcomed into life for the people who do really do things with love for they never have to work again just enjoy life and what they do and success follows in all parts of life.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Place energy in to productivity not worry.

Just for today I will stay focused on goals and dream and not waste any energy on worry for the mind works at it peek performance when busy on positive tasks like your goals and dreams no matter how lofty keep moving forward not worrying how but looking to the end result adding stop looking gat the clock for time is truly irrelevant its our mind set that needs to be set in motion. Productive people have no time fo worry knowing there is no gain in ones goals when sitting around worrying about things that could go wrong they place energy in the goal that end story of achieving their personal greatness in what they believe in and adding that Attitude of Gratitude leaves no room for worry.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Be at your best in all places in life and know when its time to help others

Just for today I will be doing and being at my best in all places in life and know too when its time to help others in their journey in life as we know we all walk different paths and at times paths cross to help one another in our journey through life, be of good service and help where ever possible and to at times going out of our way to be of assistance in our abundant world we all share. Know when to stay and again know when to move on in life for you are not a tree you can get up and more through out our world to be os service setting goals being a winner everywhere you go sharing your light with an Attitude of Gratitude.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Know that the Master was and is the Student

Just for today I will know to take time to learn new things and look at old with a different view and from others angles as well other perspectives to enhance the mastering of life love and happiness in ones life as we know never stop earning for the Master was once the student in all parts of life to have the Health the Wealth and Happiness gathered through time to be where they are at. Be open to change as well from new ways of doing things do come along in life and new wisdom appears from the ether to be explored and examined to enlighten all and compare new ideas and be grateful for this new knowledge adding an Attitude of Gratitude for the All in life.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Don’t buy friends or people earn them

Just for today live within your means being true to self and the world around you for one doesn’t need to buy friends we earn friends and living with in our means spending what you don’t have to look rich for many of the rich live by the old school mind sets of having a buck in to pocket a buck in the wallet and a buck in the bank. From this way of thinking our dollar pile up to where we can spend them on things we need over our wants being successful in life love and money are all held dearly to those who value their Health their Wealth and their Happiness in all parts of life and always live with an Attitude of Gratitude for all you have and to come.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Speaking “I am” or “I will have a productive day” your words do create.

Just for today I will know how powerful my words are in the creation process of my day and life as I speak “I Am” going to or “I will have a productive day” creates your words into your day of creation for what you speak and think become things and with positive thinking and positive words you create this from a thought into your day mind your words for they have power to create.Have good intentions for your day a smile adding that Attitude of Gratitude to empower your self to a fantastic day, just believe to achieve.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Your are the fifth of the four people you are with.

Just for to day I will be choosing my friends as to who I want to grow with and have in my life finding like minded people to be with to flourish and build a better world for self, for we know i you hang with 4 drunks you are the fifth drunk as with hanging with four golfers you are the fifth and too hanging to the top producers in your line of business you are the fifth. Like attracts like find where you want to be in life and then meet people who have that dame drive for success be around those who have the same mind set and goals and be the forth meeting the fifth person to come into your power group.

Visionary Bryan Smith


Believe you can and you are over half way to your goal.

Just for today I will have faith in my ability’s to achieve my goals as well lofty dreams for if I believe it I can achieve it masting and manifesting anything I set my mind to having that single point of focus on the end result you can do anything. First step in success it removing negative thinking like the “if only’s” “I dont have the _____” stop there and start I can do this I will find a way around the first problem and fill my goals with enthusiasm drive and a solid mind set to complete what you set out to do, with the mind set of going for it no matter what you will win!

Visionary Bryan Smith
